Thursday, April 26, 2012

Back in the Saddle

I have been on a hiatus for a while. I've been working on those pesky New Year's Resolutions and trying to get my life into some semblance of order. So far, I've made some progress and I'm pretty happy with how things have gone. I've lost weight and have reached my first goal (lost about 30 pounds total thus far!!!.) I've simplified a lot of things and am working on my relationships. All of that falls under the category of "Work in Progress."
Ok, it really falls under the category of "Rome Wasn't Built in A Day," but carry on I shall.

The kick in the pants is my writing life. I just can't seem to get a grip on that. I'm not sure what direction I want to take and I probably should keep up with the blog just so I can keep writing something creative and "me." I mean, I write every day. However, I can't really say that my reports are titillating for the average bear and definitely NOT accessible for anyone else to read. So what to do, I don't know.
I'm telling ya... this is a conundrum for the ages.
I wonder if Shakespeare, Twain, etc went through this kind of angst or if it just "came" to them.

In other news... eldest graduates in about a month and will start working at the vet clinic full time. Yay! Youngest is making plans for college and culinary school in Rhode Island in a couple of years. Wow!
Darling is doing really well at work and is getting to travel some and do a lot of interesting things since he found a job that really takes care of employees. A rarity and we are blessed.
The dogs are all good. I guess all in all, the family is doing pretty well.

Mother... oy. Maybe I should write about mother, but no one would believe me. They say truth is stranger than fiction, but even then I don't think I could properly convey the proper tone of borderline lucidity/insanity that prevails in her universe. I'm gearing up for her nervous breakdown any day now. This will be breakdown number 3 or 4. If she doesn't break, either myself or my Gotham sister may instead. We love her. We also do a lot of head shaking because we can't adequately explain her thoughts, words or actions. If I could, I am pretty sure I would have some sort of DSM-IV medical miracle on my hands.

Well, I need to get some sleep. The alarm rings early (anything before 10am is early) and I have to try to get a bunch of stuff done at work tomorrow. This writing thing though... lots to mull over.