Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 13 - Friday YAY!!!!

Today I have tried to succeed in doing nothing. At this point, I have failed because I have done quite a bit of work today. I'm waiting on phone calls and hope they either return my call quickly or don't call at all. I'm tired, I hurt and I want to lay down. However, I don't think that's at all possible at my desk. Someone might actually say something.

We had food day in my department. Excellent Mexican food. Tamales, beans, rice, chips / salsa / queso. And for dessert... German chocolate cake. What's wrong with that picture? BTW - it may have been wrong, but was excessively yummalicious.

I have this pair of shoes that make sounds when I walk around the PD. They hit the lineoleum floors and that's all she wrote. I am often told that I can't sneak up behind anyone when I am wearing them. For a while I thought that was a bad thing, then I realized... do I really WANT to sneak up on a bunch of people carrying guns? I do however wish the sound weren't so pronounced. And sad thing is ... this is the only place that it happens. I haven't had it happen anywhere else. Asbestos flooring? One might wonder.

The day is almost over, yet it's not. I still have to run to AACAL and AHS and pick up homework for K who has been out sick for the past week. This morning her fever was still 101. I'm not a fan of this illness thing going on. I suppose I probably should get to the schools before they lock me out.

You might have noticed the format of the blog has changed a little bit today. This seems to work for me and for now this is how it will be. A good way to end the week I think. More later...

Day 12 - Thirsty Thursday

In the wee hours of the morning, I moved from my warm snuggly bed to the couch in the living room. Insomnia sucks. Fortunately, I turned on the living room light because in doing so I saw Jenny the schnauzer laying on the ottoman. She's normally curled up on the goosedown blanket I keep on the couch because I get cold and if I have to nap, it's perfect. She slunk to the love seat from the ottoman and me - I just thought I woke her up from a hard sleep and she was tired. The blanket however wasn't so perfect as I got closer. She piddled on my blankie. I was so not amused. So instead of curling up with my favorite blanket, I had to suddenly do a washload, find another big blanket and then try to relax. I know dogs really don't understand the concept of a "shit list." She's made mine.

Health & Fitness #12 A black belt is a white belt that never gave up.

Food tally for the day:
Breakfast: Cheese stick, carrots and grapes - 16 oz. bottle of water
Morning Snack: Cheese stick #2, more carrots and more grapes as well as 2 mugs of hot tea.
Lunch: Lean Cuisine - Chicken and Veggies
Afternoon Snack: Cherry Jello
Dinner: 212 pieces of pizza. Ok... not that many, but did have my fair share and I did enjoy. So there.

Feeding the Spirit #12 Imagination is more important than knowledge - Albert Einstein -

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 11 - Humpty Dance

J. and I went and got our nails done after I got off work. She had hers done fairly recently at a different place, but the work done wasn't the best or J. is really hard on her nails. I took her back to our usual haunt and she got the BRIGHTEST neon green tips I think I have seen. As for me, usual French manicure. One of these days I'm going to break out of the "rut," but I still don't think I'll go as whacky as I would have when I'm younger. I just think the French manicures look pretty sharp.

This is day three of officially feeling like crap. Excuse me while I bitch for just a moment, but I have to say that I have been hurting and while I have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday, I'm not thrilled with having a hard time sitting. (So the only reason I got my nails done and sitting for an hour was because it had been almost a month and they had really started looking like crapola.) After sleeping all night and getting some rest, I'm actually okay, but somewhere around 10-11am, it gets uncomfortable. Hopefully the doc will have a solution that I can live with. (Keeping my fingers crossed here.)

I also watched American Idol. There were a couple of peeps I thought were really good. Jennifer Lopez looked gorgeous as always and Steven Tyler... ok....Let's talk turkey. Is it just me or has he had some bad facework done to try to hide the signs of aging? I know Tyler / Aerosmith has been around for YEARS, but I was just a little spooked. And, frankly, it was even spookier to me to watch him leer at some of the PYT's. Come on dude... really?

Health & Fitness #11 I walked around the PD a few times today, but that's the extent of fitness. Still not quite feeling up to snuff and that was all the body would handle today. However, I figure that ANY movement is better than none at all. So, score one point for doing something proactive.

Feeding the Spirit #11
Family is just accident.... they don't mean to get on your nerves. They don't even mean to be your family, they just are.
- Marsha Norman
For whatever reason, this quote really spoke to me. It puts things in perspective and I've used it a few times to try to explain things to kids who are having troubles with family members. Rather fitting.

Day 10 - Rainy Days and Tuesdays...

I woke up to the wonderful smell of rain this morning. I love days like this and would love them even more if I could spend them in bed, in my jammies and reading a good book. There are really few things I enjoy doing more than reading and I think in that respect I'm blessed because so many people hate to read. I've found over the years that not only can books educate you, but they are such a source of imagination and inspiration. Ahhh... now I want to just pick up a novel and start reading, but alas, the reading I need to do now will just be police reports.

Life Lesson #10
"Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."
- John Lennon
I love this quote. Not only does it remind me of Ferris Beuller's Day Off and my teenage years, but it reminds me that we all need to stop and smell the roses from time to time. We need to take time to really assess what it is we want out of life and make some plans, but also plan to have those plans interrupted by unforseen events.

For example: Tonight we were supposed to get together with mom to finally celebrate my birthday. Who knew that Kate would stay home sick, Jess would go to the doc for x-rays on her thumb and I would feel like utter crap so I laid in bed pretty much after dinner. So, another rescheduling is in order and we shall see what happens. It's nothing to get uber upset about, but proves that plans are just sometimes interrupted.

Health & Fitness #10 I will go more into this at a later date, but if you are looking for a workout to give you a killer bod - think Kettlebells. OUTSTANDING calorie burn, cardio and weights all in one.

Food & Drink #10 Unless I actually have something earth-shattering.. not really going to go into this category or the food log right now. I haven't eaten anything really horrible, but as soon as I actually feel like sitting up longer, it's easier. However this could change tomorrow. =)

Feeding the Spirit #10
Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
- Abraham Lincoln

I love this picture of a young Lincoln. I see a resoluteness and strength of character in this photo. As most pictures of the period, he doesn't look "happy", but I sense that he was a fairly happy individual because he chose to be. This is something we all need to do... choose to be happy.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 9 - Monday...

Work's been quite busy today, but a couple of kids that have been missing for awhile were found. That's always a good day no matter what else happens. I also got to go home at lunch and spend some time with J. We've been spending some good time together lately and I've got to say I love it. On the down side of the day, I feel "blah" and the heater is on at the office so it's way the heck to hot to even think about working. I wish facilities would turn the heat off already. I've gone outside a couple of times to cool off, but really??? Given the choice though - I can say I don't miss the 52 degree days in dispatch.

Life Lesson #9
In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.
-- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Health & Fitness #9 "Learn to relax. Your body is precious, as it houses your mind and spirit. Inner peace begins with a relaxed body." Norman Vincent Peale

Inner peace was hard to come by. I tried to relax tonight and it didn't go so well. Thankfully a pain pill helped the process and I finally got some rest.

I'm not going to list all the healthy choices I made today. I am going to admit my honey brought me a package of "get well" Twizzlers and I enjoyed every moment of them. I spent most of yesterday after work in bed and truly feeling under the weather. I'm not sick, but I am hurting and not a fan of that. Hopefully the doctor will have good news for me on the 25th.
More later...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 8 - It's all about the "New"

"How can you do anything until you have seen everything,or as much as you can?" — Rudyard Kipling

I love this quote because it always inspires me to get out and do something or to hear something or to see something. I'm still not quite feeling up to snuff today; however, the goal for the day is to do or see something I haven't done or seen before. It's quite the challenge, but I think like yesterday, the key will be in the little things, not the big things. However, if someone wants to rent me a room at the Bellagio in Vegas, I haven't seen or done that. (Just a suggestion mind you.)

I did try something new already today and I'm not going to count that as my "new" thing. Quinoa for breakfast. I had a package of white quinoa in the pantry. I bought it because there's a whole bunch of health / nutrition sites that tout it's marvelousity. I can say that I'm not a fan at this point and I think I'll just stick with good old-fashioned oatmeal. It's got kind of a nutty flavor that's not bad, but it definitely required other things to make it edible. I ate mine with some vanilla, all-spice and agave nectar. The recipe had called for berries, which I didn't have. It also called for nuts such as pecans, walnuts or almonds. I chose not to put them in because they are so high in fat. Maybe either of those would have made it better, I don't know. I do know I'm not eating this concoction again. I choked down half a cup cooked. That's enough. I had one of the oatmeal cookies I ate yesterday to get the taste out of my mouth. I find that to be a great decision.

Life Lesson #8
"The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what they most enjoy." — Malcolm Forbes

This has been kind of an on-going struggle at our little yellow house. Kyle and I were discussing this yesterday. I can honestly say I have done a lot of things I enjoy and probably have had more different jobs than anyone else. The years of being a disc-jockey, roadie-ing for some bands, working at the TV station, being a reporter, running an advertising agency, being a PD Dispatcher (to name but a few)... all things that I enjoyed. However, I have to admit that I always wanted to be two other things #!) a writer and #2) a cop. I figure I'm meeting the writing goal with the blog and while I don't carry a badge and a gun, I'm an investigator with the PD and that's pretty awesome. I could end up making my living writing, certainly not in the present, but maybe someday and I'm enjoying the daylights out of my job now - helping to hunt down the missing children. It's a reward all it's own and I like to think I'm making a difference.

Unlike me, Kyle has done pretty much the same thing for the past 20 years. God has given him a gift to be able to do the amazing post-production that he does. I have to admire that kind of tenacity.

Health & Fitness #8 "Any healthy man can go without food for two days--but not without poetry." — Baudelaire

Like I stated earlier, I have always wanted to be a writer. It occurred to me however that I always HAVE been a writer. I've kept a journal since I was seven years old. I have written news articles and started novels (which at some point I'll be able to focus and finish) and written more poems than I know what to do with. In fact, it's the poetry that I love. Being able to bend a word to your will is a pretty incredible feeling. One of these days I'll have to share, but for now my insecurities shall remain.

Food & Drink #8 I may let this part of my "new" blog go, but for now all I'm going to write is "quinoa sucks."

Food tally for the day:
Breakfast: Quinoa w/all-spice, vanilla and agave nectar and an oatmeal cookie chaser
Morning Snack: Apple and a cheese stick
Lunch: Tilapia, veggies and salad
Afternoon Snack: TBA
Dinner: TBA

Feeding the Spirit #8
"I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about." — Henry Ford

Day 7 - The Day of Rest

No cause for celebration yet, but it's a pretty good day. I saved about $50 at the grocery store between coupons and in-store specials. That's always good. I had a long chat with Kyle about life, which is another plus to the day. Now, I'm sitting here on a Saturday morning and while I've been slightly productive, I want a nap. I may just take one this afternoon...

Oh look... it's later...

Instead of an immediate nap, which I really wanted and eventually got, I spent some time with J. and made cookies. I made some fairly healthy (all things considered) oatmeal cookies and she made good old-fashioned chocolate chip. So... the rest of the day's meals (with the utmost of honesty) was cookies. Outstanding.

Life Lesson #6 It's the little things that matter. I spent time today with J making cookies. I realized it's the little, every-day things that make a difference at the end of the day. People don't really care what you buy for them or really how much you DO for them. They appreciate the time you have spent with them. Today's mission is to spend more time with the family.

We have really re-started doing this. For a long time at dinner we would each grab a plate and go our own ways. Fairly recently, dinner is at the table as a family. I really do cherish those moments because I get to find out more about my honey and my kids that maybe I wouldn't have found out. And... the most recent discovery is that we all hate peas. Ok... Kyle could eat the peas as long as they are disguised completely with another food, but really... I have to say BLAHHHHH.

Health & Fitness #6 No tips for the day, just the complaint that I haven't worked out (again?") because of some health issues I am having. I spent the evening in bed relaxing. K. came and curled up with me (as it were) and we watched house together after she got home from an orchestra deal. It was nice. (Remember that spend time together thing?)

Food & Drink #6 Nothing new to report here. So I won't.

Food tally for the day:
Breakfast: Healthy Choice TV Dinner: Golden Roasted Turkey
Morning Snack:
Lunch: About 4-5 oz of chicken breast (no skin), 1 serving of Barilla Plus spaghetti noodles flavored with Mrs. Dash and 1/2 cup of Asian medley veggies
Afternoon Snack: cookies
Dinner: More cookies

Feeding the Spirit #
The moment you don't feel like praying, get on your knees. And the moment you don't feel like reading your bible, you'd better get that Book open. — Lori Wick