Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 7 - The Day of Rest

No cause for celebration yet, but it's a pretty good day. I saved about $50 at the grocery store between coupons and in-store specials. That's always good. I had a long chat with Kyle about life, which is another plus to the day. Now, I'm sitting here on a Saturday morning and while I've been slightly productive, I want a nap. I may just take one this afternoon...

Oh look... it's later...

Instead of an immediate nap, which I really wanted and eventually got, I spent some time with J. and made cookies. I made some fairly healthy (all things considered) oatmeal cookies and she made good old-fashioned chocolate chip. So... the rest of the day's meals (with the utmost of honesty) was cookies. Outstanding.

Life Lesson #6 It's the little things that matter. I spent time today with J making cookies. I realized it's the little, every-day things that make a difference at the end of the day. People don't really care what you buy for them or really how much you DO for them. They appreciate the time you have spent with them. Today's mission is to spend more time with the family.

We have really re-started doing this. For a long time at dinner we would each grab a plate and go our own ways. Fairly recently, dinner is at the table as a family. I really do cherish those moments because I get to find out more about my honey and my kids that maybe I wouldn't have found out. And... the most recent discovery is that we all hate peas. Ok... Kyle could eat the peas as long as they are disguised completely with another food, but really... I have to say BLAHHHHH.

Health & Fitness #6 No tips for the day, just the complaint that I haven't worked out (again?") because of some health issues I am having. I spent the evening in bed relaxing. K. came and curled up with me (as it were) and we watched house together after she got home from an orchestra deal. It was nice. (Remember that spend time together thing?)

Food & Drink #6 Nothing new to report here. So I won't.

Food tally for the day:
Breakfast: Healthy Choice TV Dinner: Golden Roasted Turkey
Morning Snack:
Lunch: About 4-5 oz of chicken breast (no skin), 1 serving of Barilla Plus spaghetti noodles flavored with Mrs. Dash and 1/2 cup of Asian medley veggies
Afternoon Snack: cookies
Dinner: More cookies

Feeding the Spirit #
The moment you don't feel like praying, get on your knees. And the moment you don't feel like reading your bible, you'd better get that Book open. — Lori Wick

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