Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 74 - Abs, Butt, Thighs... Brains?

I know I'm basically a masochist, but even out of shape, I subscribe and avidly read a few of the fitness magazines out there. However, I got to thinking about what each one offers if they are all offering basically the same thing? Is there a real reason to get more than one? These are some of the cover headlines from two of my favorite fitness mags - both April 2011 editions.

The No-Diet Diet: Low Cal Meals that Truly Satisfy
56 Slimming Meals that Rev Your Metabolism

Flat Abs Fast
Keep Your Curves, Lose the Extra

Boost Your Energy
23 Ways to Boost Your Energy

I could probably go back several months and find many other instances, but I don't think it would be mere coincidence. However, as I really do need to work on the de-chunkification of the body that has collected chunk like Charlie Sheen has collected bimbos. It's hard when the body doesn't want to cooperate physically because of things that have gone fubar, but I figure eventually it will happen.

(Slam Segue)
I'm watching Billy Madison tonight while working on this. I have lost 37 IQ points and I have a couple of brain cells that are running down the street begging for mercy - yet I watch. Oh. Commercial is over.... hasta for now.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 73 - Motown and High School

Tonight on American Idol the contestants did "Motown."

Ein) This is the best season of AI since the first season. I'm so glad that the judges actually have a clue. Simon got to be excessively annoying - 9 years of being a pain in the ass and really not having a nice thing to say about anyone??? Paula Abdul was a joke and useless. I mean seriously? She wasn't a good singer back in the 80's / 90's. She was a great choreographer, but I'm not a huge fan (and I am stating the obvious.) And Randy actually was the only one who tried to offer musical criticism. My complaint - Randy is stuck on "Yo Dawg." After 10 years, it gets a little old. Find a new schtick dude.

Zwei) This is the most unique group the show has ever had. I'm grateful the judges are such a diverse group because I honestly think that's how we ended up with such great talent. Paul and James are probably my favorites. There are a couple I don't like at all - can't even remember their names. Hopefully neither will win.

Drei) I haven't voted. I probably won't vote. I understand the concept of the fans choosing, but I honestly don't know if it costs money. If it does, screw it. I don't have the funds to waste on an entertainment vote. If it doesn't, why do I want to waste the time when I could spend it blogging?

In other news, I had to have a chat with both of the girls about their grades tonight. I don't understand why it's hard to get good grades. If you just remember to turn in homework, half of the battle is won. I'm giving the girls the same lecture my parents gave me, only with less hellfire and brimstone. If the situation called for it, I would probably open the gates of hades; however, they know what needs to be done and they are pretty good at beating themselves up. We'll see what happens. Right now, the both of them need to lose the spring fever and go for the gold.

Finally, haven't been feeling up to snuff lately. Between the pain in the foot, the knees hurting from the extra baggage and the bladder problems... I feel much older than I am. I am thankful tonight for painkillers. Somehow and some way I need to get healthy. How to manage that I'm not sure, but am hopeful it will happen sooner rather than later. Sweet dreams (and may Charlie Sheen not be a part of them.)

Monday, March 21, 2011


Let me set the stage for you. I'm sitting in bed with the laptop. Maverick is curled up next to me and the television is on for some background noise. The next thing I know is I look up at the TV and see a clip of devil worshipers doing a ritual with a willing female subject. Seriously...
What in the world has this world come to? I think we are past the point of "gratuitous" sex and violence to get an R rating. The R rating has become common place. Why did we let this happen? I don't need to see naked women on TV in the middle of a living room and a Satanic ritual - which is just one in a million things that really no one needs to see.

When I was in high school, I led a movement against Tipper Gore and the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) aka. The Washington Wives. This committee was formed in '85 and it's goal was to increase parental control over music deemed to be violent or sexually explicit. This committee was inspired by Prince's song, "Darling Nikki" which suggested sex and masturbation. Along with "Darling Nikki", the committee released a list of the "Filthy Fifteen," songs that were too objectionable to be aired or sold in good conscience. As I recall it just wasn't Prince, but Madonna, Def Leppard, Judas Priest, and even Cyndi Lauper made the list. I was a little cranky at the time because how DARE these snooty, out of touch women decide what I can and can't listen to. The PMRC contended warning labels on explicit lyrics (sex, drugs, violence) would allow parents to really take a look at what their kids were doing and bring a morality back into the family unit.

I could go on and on about this whole ordeal; however, 1) the history of this mess is available on the internet and 2)I find myself looking at the situation with a fresh set of eyes.

Ever since my girls were born, I have tried to make sure they weren't overly exposed to sex and violence on television. In fact, "kissy face" was okay, but any time I was watching a show or just flipping channels and people were doing the "humpty dance" I changed channels. In fact, most of the time, I still do because I really don't see any good purpose in showing sexual acts on television, the movies or what have you. I have also tried to make sure the rules of Carlin's 7 dirty words were held in place in music because who wants their kid growing up cursing and thinking it's okay. (Do as I say, not as I do?) As the girls have gotten older, they have been exposed to stuff I can't say is the best, but not the worst either. We can't keep our kids behind castle walls, but we can't open the gates and allow the enemy army to freely cross the moat either. It's a fine line and we just have to teach them the best we can.

Wouldn't it be refreshing if there was actually good programming on that didn't involved people lying, cheating, stealing, and f-ing a different person each time you tuned in? Wouldn't it be amazing if a new generation would stand up and say they have had enough? It won't happen because this generation has been conditioned to what they have seen and heard is okay. No wonder I'm stuck putting movies in the DVD player with regularity. My moral compass is generally not in line with anything resembling what the entertainment industry puts out today and I pray my children are following in my footsteps.

After the satanic television incident, I switched channels and am now watching a movie that I enjoy. Morally, it's not the best, but there are some good lessons that can be learned from watching. The movie - chick flick "Raising Helen." It's a romance and a comedy and there's a small moment of suspense or two. This is a movie directed by Gary Marshall, which means it is automatically going to do fairly decent at the box office. Kate Hudson is lead actress and does a really good job with this. John Corbett (cutie) and Joan Cusak, Hayden Panettiere also gave some pretty good performances. Like I said, this movie is not a "G" movie and has some cursing in it; however, because it sounds like something I would actually say, I have to share one of my favorite quotes:
You listen to me. If you ever so much as blink in her direction again, I can and will bury you so far in the ground that the heat from the earth's core will incinerate your sorry ass!
That seems like a pretty good way to end the evening... a threat to maim and destroy anyone who hurts those you love. Rant over. G'night.

Day 71 - Interesting Way to End the Day

I love the written word and while I may not always follow the MBA rules of composition exactly, I do succeed in getting my point across in a fairly easy and conversational manner. The rhetorical question I have, is do I try to take up writing again as a side-line career? My dad used to breakout a yellow-pad to make pro and con lists. I would actually prefer a Big Chief tablet, but the end game is still the same. This is something I think I will be working on for the next little bit. It could be I just keep my blog and be happy with that until some other changes are made at the casa.
Side note: Now I really DO want to go out and get a Big Chief tablet but they stopped making them in 2001 after 80 years of production. It's rather sad really. Big Chief tablets were the BEST and I now wonder what kind of crap kids today have to use in their place. AND I could go into the metamorphosis of all the different chiefs and the sons of the chief depicted on the covers over the 80 years, but I have a feeling it would be only for my personal gratification and you wouldn't find it overly interesting. If you would though, please advise.

And speaking of careers... a friend of mine at work told me today that I should be a stand-up comic. While my anecdotes can be amusing, I don't know if they would qualify for the Improv, which is pretty much the mother of all comedy clubs.

(Insert abrupt change of subject here at 2111 hours.)

I appreciate the fact I have raised my girls to be honest with me. This was experienced first hand tonight when my youngest called and said she and a friend had "gas problems" and would be late coming in thereby missing curfew. When she came in, she came straight to me and admitted she lied and explained what really happened at John Stiff Memorial Park @ the skate park. I was upset, but not angry. Had she not told me the truth, anger would have taken hold and I'm sure I would have erupted like Mt. Vesuvius. I'm not sure how to handle the situation that occurred, but I'm sure I will think of something - something fair because I certainly don't want to pull an "O. William." (Sorry dad, you're idea of discipline was outlawed by the Geneva Convention in 1949...)

And for your learning pleasure this evening... we all have heard about it, but this is the summary of the protections afforded to prisoners of war and war criminals.
Protected persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons, their honour, their family rights, their religious convictions and practices, and their manners and customs. They shall, at all times, be humanely treated, and shall be protected, especially against all acts of violence or threats thereof and against insults and public curiosity. Women shall be especially protected against any attack on their honour, in particular against rape, enforced prostitution, or any form of indecent assault. Without prejudice to the provisions relating to their state of health, age and sex, all protected persons shall be treated with the same consideration by the Party to the conflict in whose power they are, without any adverse distinction based, in particular, on race, religion or political opinion. However, the Parties to the conflict may take such measures of control and security in regard to protected persons as may be necessary as a result of the war. ”
—- Article 27, Fourth Geneva Convention