Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 88 - Positivity

There are a lot of jobs in the universe... some good, some bad, some downright ugly. However, I have decided the one I will never work, no matter how bleak a situation could be is: porta-potty drainer. Once a week, I see this guy outside the PD emptying the porta-potty used by the construction crew. Now, it's bad enough to think that a lot of people have to use this little potty-coffin with no ventilation and no way to wash their hands afterward. In the middle of summer, I have to say that those little towers of terror are NOT a place to hang out for any period of time and if you do have to use one, pray the person(s) before you were not sick with any kind of stomach virus. However, to be the person that drains the crap and carts it away: ewwwww....

On a more positive note, I'm trying to be more positive about things around me. I have had quite the negative energy going for quite awhile and I have to say that being positive takes a lot of work. It's much easier to be negative about things going on around us. Now, I'm not even close to where I need to be on this matter; however, I find myself having a much better day when trying to find the bright side of situations.
Case in point: My car has ISSUES. (Note the bold caps...) However, approaching the situation in a more positive light, I am grateful that I have a car, the car is still running and it takes me from point A to point B. I could literally sit and list all of the things wrong with it, but I figure if I only try to focus on the positives, surely the car will keep running. And if for some reason it doesn't, I am positive I will receive a "new" car with minimal fuss and nonsense.

Some other things I am adding to my more positive outlook on life include "attracting" positive things to me. Instead of focusing on the bills and the debt load, I am focusing on the fact that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and will provide for us. Instead of focusing the fact I am a little chunky, I am focusing on the fact I am beautifully made and need to remember that. I believe that God didn't intend for us to live lives without abundance, I think we (in general) seem to think we can get and do everything ourselves, but without reliance on the Lord, we are nothing and can achieve nothing.

Yesterday, I utilized the power of positive thinking and Kate's dress came in the mail and Kyle received another project. I really reached and believed I was going to win the state lottery last night with a bunch of co-workers. Did it happen? No. Am I disappointed? No. I believe that God has something bigger and better for me.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 85 - Yummy Sabotage

My stomach thought my throat had been cut this morning. The solution was a Chorizo Breakfast Burrito - made by Jesus. Jesus isn't Christ himself (though I'm certain a breakfast burrito made by the King of Kings would be AWESOME.) You have to speak Spanish please - the J is a soft H and the rest is pronounced "zeus."

I'm not a big proponent of the Spanish language, which is somewhat surprising to me because I love the romance languages as a general rule. It's probably even more bizarre because I live in the great state of Texas, where there are wayyyy too many illegals who speak Spanish and REFUSE to learn how to speak English. I could go on a rant here, but just for the record, I have learned German and French and have no desire to learn to speak Spanish until they learn to speak English. (Rational or not.)

But back to the breakfast was perfectly made with just the right combination of chorizo, eggs, onion and other spices that Jesus adds to make it yummilicious. I'm fairly certain this burrito has sabotaged the diet portion of my day. I'm trying to figure out of I should just beat myself into a complete guilt-ridden state or to blow it off. I'm tired of doing this to myself... if it's not the burrito, it's something else (ice cream generally tops that list.)

I also need to get to the gym. I'm paying for a membership I'm not using and that bothers me. However, it's a catch 22. I go to the gym to feel better and look better, but the whole process of going to the gym when I feel / look like heck isn't my idea of a good time. I know I need to just suck it up and do it, but I haven't really found the motivation that will break through the self-loating I have at the moment. I have workout videos for the house, but (whether it's an "excuse" or not) I can't find a decent place to actually exercise at home so I need to get to the gym. Argh.... if nothing else, at least I'm honest, eh?

Well, I need to get back to work. On my breaks today I do plan on trying to take a walk around the PD, whether inside or out. It won't burn a lot of calories, but every little bit helps.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 84 - Celebrities and Other Meltdowns

I appreciate Donald Trump and the empire he has created in "The Apprentice." I haven't really seen a version of "Celebrity Apprentice" until tonight and tonight made me realize no matter how old we get, we can still all act like 4th graders. Meatloaf spontaneously combusted all over Gary Busey and a slur of four letter words went flying through the air quicker than a time warp. (Thought I would throw that in there.) And in an oh-so poignant moment, the apology between the two was very sweet... or as sweet as it can be when two old celebrities hug on camera. In fact following the hug, I heard my favorite quote of the night: "...Dancing on a Rainbow with no fear. And no doubt." It's definitely something to think about.

Something else to think about - vacation. I need one. Somehow I need to save up a few dollars and get the heck out of dodge for a few days. Of course I want to go back to NYC for a week or two (or more), but realistically, I may just have to hang around the house and read some good books or something like that. I love to read and haven't spent quite enough time doing that lately. Nice and relaxing.

I suppose I should start getting ready for bed and also figure out what I'm going to wear tomorrow. Goodnight moon....