Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ridin' the Storm Out

"Ridin' the storm out, waitin' for the thaw out..." 
- REO Speedwagon - 

It's a beautiful, bright and sunny day in the Texas Panhandle. Not a cloud in the sky dampens the horizon. Yet, here I sit procrastinating. The storm of change is coming and I should be preparing for its onslaught, but I'm not. I'm in a state of fear and denial. I'm like the proverbial ostrich sticking its head in the sand. However, like the bird, my butt is sticking up in the air and I'm sure I'm about to take one for the team with no lube, if you know what I mean.  

My spousal unit tells me I don't have to carry the burden alone for what's going on at home. I'm cynical and jaded right now. I feel like I do.  I have to-do list after to-do list made up.  They grow longer by the day and there's not enough hours to tackle even a portion of them. So I suppose that's why it's easier to sit and do nothing than to get off my ass and do "something." But as the deadline for having all this stuff done grows near, the self-loathing for not having anything done sooner will grow to biblical proportions and I'll be kicking myself in the hind-end that already took one. Double-whammy.

How does one prep for change when one doesn't want things to change in many regards, but does in others? How does one know if they are doing the right thing or the wrong thing? How does one make decisions that alters their life, but also the lives of so many people around them for good, bad or indifferent and those people don't have much say? It frustrates me on a level that's almost unbearable. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing and there's at least one person I need help from that's is unwilling to do so. It's frustrating beyond the tolerable and I try to shove that fed-up part of me in the back of my mind, but it niggles at me from time to time and I just want to break like a squall line dumping rain across the plains.  (Long run-on sentence. Sorry.)

I wish I could say more as to what's going on, but I'm not at liberty right now. Just know that my life is upside down and I don't like the view. I've lost my rose-colored glasses. If I can just ride this storm of change out and wait for the thaw out, things will be okay. But right now, I'm feeling the outflow boundary, the winds kicking up and the rush of air blowing across my face. I see the lightning on the horizon and hear the distant rumbles of thunder. The storm is coming and as it hits I will just pray for the best. 

Okay... going to suck it up and get to work. Tally-Ho!

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