Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 67 - A Day for the Irish or the Tired

Happy St. Patrick's day to one and all. I hope this day has found you blessed beyond measure and full of joy and if not joy... beer. This has been one of the longest days or rather, it has felt like one of the longest days. It's 9:30pm and I'm in my jammies already tucked in bed because my level of exhaustion is through the roof. I am hoping a blessed sleep comes quickly. However, I did want to try to jot a few thoughts before I drifted off in the Land of Nod.

My cousin-in-law's wife, her sister and the FIVE children are in town visiting. I have decided a few things after this visit that are crystal clear and really have nothing to do with any of them.

1) I am not a little people person. I never have been a little people person. Even when my own children were small, I can say I was not a huge fan. Yes, I loved them more than life itself (and I still do.) However, I have to say that as they have gotten older, I really do find them a lot more interesting. I love listening to what they have to say and I love watching their thought processes. My girls have changed immensely from six to sixteen and now they are starting to know who they are and they express themselves in a way that I can truly appreciate. I know there are millions of women who loooooooove babies and the little ones. I have to say, with the rare exception (my nephew Erik for one), I'll take a teenager any day of the week. I'm sure there are many who will claim sacrilege. I say, "honest."

2) My children are now old enough that when I was asked to buy 3T-4T pull-ups tonight, I was actually confused. I purchase bras and panties for my girls and haven't even looked at a pull-up in many a moon (slight pun intended.) I was so grateful I didn't have to regularly shop at Babies R Us or Toys R Us or anything like that any more. I was instantly grateful that I no longer had to worry about breast feeding or formula or baby cereal or food or diaper bags or toys or pacifiers or bottles or sippy cups. The relief was instantaneous and I made eldest DD carry the pull-ups to the register so I wouldn't have to. And really... even though we went through our fair share of pull-ups, I still wonder what all the fuss is about because truthfully, kids know how to undo their own diapers at that age. Seriously wonder if you could throw a poise pad in a pair of panties and have better results. Oh well... until grandchildren many moons from now - my days are done.

3) My final thought on the children thing is noise. Oh mother. My girls can make more noise than the Texas Jam sometimes and my head can ring for quite awhile. However, because they are older, the noise level is usually not this piercing "shriek" that can be heard by dogs 23 miles away. Multiply that shriek by four and add in a newborn baby's subtle cry (not the "feed me now lest I kill you in your sleep" cry) it was LOUD. And don't tell me you don't know the shrieking I'm talking about because ever since the first dogs looked at Adam and Eve's kids, they had that moment where they looked at each other and said, "Seriously? That's annoying and it hurts our little ears." Piece together the shrieks of the little ones with the fact American Idol was on and the fact that I had a long day at work and am rather cranky.... you can imagine my relief when my eldest advised me she had to go to Barnes and Noble to get a book for school.

I know I have been rambling and I'm sure I have much more to say, but will work on it later. Huggies and Goodnights...

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